
Official "Welcome" Post

Greetings family and friends to my first "Official" Blog post! Yesterday's post was primarily for practice (at blending in pictures and video).

In response to all of the warm and flattering replies many of you (you know who you are) have sent over the years regarding my Kodak Gallery emails, I've decided to expand upon the Ashton updates (with a little of me thrown in for flavor) by creating this WeBlog. I'd like to give special thanks to my cousin Syd for (unknowingly) planting the seed for this new endeavour with her own site.

This is my first such attempt, so have patience as (hopefully) the content and appearance improve over time.

For any of you who aren't familiar with this type of site, a Blog (or weblog) is an online journal of sorts. The advantage (for me) of this format is its convenience and simplicity. As new and/or exciting things happen in our lives, I can simply email that info to a special address, and it will automatically post to these pages.

My Kodak Gallery emails have been a wonderful means of communication, but they lack commentary and (more importantly...especially to you Dr. W) VIDEO!

So please bookmark this page, and visit as time permits. I will occasionally send out reminder emails when really, really cool things happen that just have to be shared immediately.

I invite everyone to click on the "Comments" link on each of these posts. Your feedback (as always) is greatly appreciated.

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