What a BUSY holiday season this has been! To wrap up the old year - and to welcome in the new one - Ashton, my brothers and I met up with my folks at the Sunbury Crab Company for New Year's Eve dinner. It was wonderful. Delicious food!! While we always try to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together as a family, this is the first time in a long while that we've all been together for New Year's Eve.
The only one missing was my sister-in-law Judit, who spent the holidays with her family in Hungary. She was SORELY missed (especially since there was no one here to keep her husband in check....or to help Mom with the kitchen....or to help keep Ashton occupied....ahem, I mean we love and miss her very much).Here in Georgia, we can not buy "real" fireworks legally, but we can buy non-explosive fireworks (big Sparklers, really). Luckily, Ashton is still at an age where these displays are quite thrilling. Enjoy the vid...
New Year's Eve 2007/2008 from Mike and Ash on Vimeo.
The fireworks in the above vid had pictures of butterflies on the package. Ashton kept waiting for the butterflies to fly up out of the sparkles and pops :)
And with that, another holiday season comes to an end. It was a bit tiring, but extremely enjoyable...one of the best years ever, IMHO. I don't know why Ashton is so wore out in this picture...Daddy did all of the work! We wish peace and prosperity on all family in friends in 2008! Take care everyone!!
You have a beautiful little boy! And it sure looks like he was spoiled rotten for the past several months -- I heartily approve!! Thanks so much for sharing the pix and video -- I really did feel like I was there with you (without any of the cleanup, which is even better!). Much love to all the GA gang, and a special big hug and kiss for Ashton!
I love the picture of Ashton zonked out on the couch! They always look like little angels when they're sleeping, don't they?
Makes me want to be a kid again :-)
On a side note: it's eerie how much our cats look alike. I'll have to see if I have a picture here that I can send you so you can see for yourself.
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